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Prebuilds are a way to automatically build your project, triggered by push events to your repository. They are used as a foundation for creating workspaces.

Prebuilds include:

  • A "buildfs" event that builds an image from a Dockerfile;
  • Prebuild tasks that run in the buildfs image.

You can view current and previous prebuilds in your project's "Prebuilds" tab.



Prebuilds are configured in the hocus.yml file at the root of your project.


A prebuild can have one of the following statuses:

  • Pending - the prebuild is waiting to be scheduled;
  • Running - prebuild tasks are running;
  • Success - the prebuild was successful;
  • Error - the prebuild failed;
  • Cancelled - the prebuild was cancelled. This can happen if the buildfs event fails.
  • Pending Archive - the prebuild is waiting to be archived;
  • Archived - the prebuild was archived.


Once a prebuild is archived, its backing files are deleted, freeing up server space. However, it's not completely gone as its task logs can still be accessed. Archiving is triggered automatically when a prebuild is no longer the latest successful one for any Git branches.


When a prebuild is deleted, it is completely removed from the database. This process occurs automatically when the prebuild meets certain criteria: it must be at least 48 hours old, it must have been archived, and there can be no workspaces based on it.