Hocus Enterprise

Create ready-to-code
100+ GB dev environments
in seconds instead of hours.

Hocus Enterprise is built on top of Hocus and designed for enterprise-scale dev environments.

Cut down onboarding time.

New hires will no longer need to set up their dev environments. Reduce the time to onboard new engineers from days or weeks to hours.

Self-host, so your data is secure.

Hocus Enterprise runs on premise. Your workspaces have access to your VPN and internal services, and your code never leaves your servers.

Reduce costs by replacing laptops with servers.

Replace laptops with powerful, remote workspaces. Run your dev environments on cost-effective servers instead of expensive personal computers.

Accelerate your development cycle.

Spin up preconfigured, 100+ GB dev environments with your latest code and build artifacts in seconds. Reduce the time it takes to ship new features and fix bugs.

Use your existing tools.

Install all your tools in a Hocus Enterprise workspace. No need to change your workflow. Just speed it up.

Forget about build times with prebuilds.

Hocus Enterprise builds and saves your dev environment before you need it with prebuilds, so you can get a new one instantly any time you want.

"Hocus can boost productivity for teams at scale. With a large codebase, prebuilds have the potential to save each engineer multiple hours every week."

Kajetan Dutka

Senior Software Engineer at Tesla

"Because of its architecture, Hocus can work well in air-gapped environments with high security requirements."

Karolina Zygmunt

Software Engineer at Warsaw Stock Exchange

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